Publication List

Here are the publications I have been co-authoring:

  1. P. Arthuis, K. Hebeler and A. Schwenk,
    Neutron-rich nuclei and neutron skins from chiral low-resolution interactions,
    arXiv:2401.06675 [nucl-th] (2024)

  2. A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, K. Hebeler, M. Heinz, J. Hoppe, T. Miyagi, A. Schwenk and L. Zurek,
    Low-Rank Decompositions of Three-Nucleon Forces via Randomized Projections,
    arXiv:2307.15572 [nucl-th] (2023)

  3. P. Arthuis, C. Barbieri, F. Pederiva and A. Roggero,
    Quantum Monte Carlo calculations in configuration space with three-nucleon forces,
    Phys. Rev. C 107, 044303, arXiv:2203.16167 [nucl-th] (2022)

  4. A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, K. Hebeler, M. Heinz, J. Hoppe, A. Schwenk and L. Zurek,
    Least-square approach for singular value decompositions of scattering problems,
    Phys. Rev. C 106, 024320, arXiv:2205.10087 [nucl-th] (2022)

  5. A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, H. Hergert and T. Duguet,
    ADG: Automated generation and evaluation of many-body diagrams III. Bogoliubov in-medium similarity renormalization group formalism,
    Eur. Phys. J. A 58, 2, arXiv:2102.10889 [nucl-th] (2022)

  6. A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, K. Hebeler, M. Heinz, J. Hoppe and A. Schwenk,
    Low-rank matrix decompositions for ab initio nuclear structure,
    Phys. Lett. B 821, 136623, arXiv:2105.03935 [nucl-th] (2021)

  7. P. Arthuis, A. Tichai, J. Ripoche and T. Duguet,
    ADG: Automated generation and evaluation of many-body diagrams II. Projected Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory,
    Comput. Phys. Commun. 261, 107677, arXiv:2007.01661 [nucl-th] (2021)

  8. P. Arthuis, C. Barbieri, M. Vorabbi and P. Finelli,
    Ab Initio Computation of Charge Densities for Sn and Xe Isotopes,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 18, 182501, arXiv:2002.02214 [nucl-th] (2020)

  9. P. Arthuis, T. Duguet, A. Tichai, R.-D. Lasseri and J.-P. Ebran,
    ADG: Automated generation and evaluation of many-body diagrams I. Bogoliubov many-body perturbation theory,
    Comput. Phys. Commun. 240, 202-227, arXiv:1809.01187 [nucl-th] (2019)

  10. A. Tichai, P. Arthuis, T. Duguet, H. Hergert, V. Somà and R. Roth,
    Bogoliubov Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Open-Shell Nuclei,
    Phys. Lett. B 786, 195-200, arXiv:1806.10931 [nucl-th] (2018)

My doctoral thesis defended in 2018, Bogoliubov Many-Body Perturbation Theory for Nuclei : Systematic Generation and Evaluation of Diagrams and First ab initio Calculations, is publicly available here.